
Thank you for your support of our initiatives. Your contributions will directly fund our programs in transportation and clean power.

American Clean Skies Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contributions may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult a tax professional for further guidance regarding non-taxable contributions.

This is a secure page. We utilize industry standard secure sockets encryption (SSL) to safeguard your information. Your credit card details are handled by our PCI-compliant payment processor Stripe, and are not saved on our servers.

Do not want to use a credit card?
Download and fill this form (PDF) and send with your contribution to:
American Clean Skies Foundation,
750 1st Street NE, Suite 1100,
Washington, DC 20002

A Message from Gregory C. Staple, CEO, ACSF

[stripe_form_begin description=’ACSF Donation for Oil Shift Program’]

Thank You for Your Donation

Thank you {fname} {lname}! Your support makes our programs possible.

Your contribution of ${amount} has been received by our payment processor. Please print this page as confirmation of your donation. This will serve as your tax receipt for this donation.

Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by US tax law. Please consult your tax adviser with questions about charitable contributions.

Donation Details

Name: {fname} {lname}
{city}, {state} {zip}
Phone: {phone}

Amount: {amount}

Paid by {card_type} ****{card_last4}
Transaction ID: {id}

Thanks again for supporting our initiatives!


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